TrafficEven if you’re away from the computer a lot in the summer, there’s no reason why you can’t keep generating plenty of traffic to your website. Put things into place now and there’s no reason to face a slow down while you’re gone.

Here are a few ways to achieve ongoing traffic to your business.

Use autoresponders: If you’re going to be away from your business for a while, make sure you schedule emails to go out to your subscribers regularly. You can use email to drive traffic to your blog posts, articles and product offers.

Prescheduling blog postsPreschedule blog posts: Just like with email, preschedule blog posts to publish while you’re away. If you have an RSS feed and email subscription for your blog, your subscribers will automatically be notified when you post something new.

Schedule social media or hire an intern: Don’t let your social media presence die while you’re away. You can preschedule updates using a tool like Hootsuite, but try to check in and respond to any comments when you can. Or consider hiring an intern or have a trusted colleague keep things fresh in your absence. We’ll talk more about this in my next blog post.

Enlist the help of guest bloggers: Guest bloggers are a lifesaver when you’re away. Not only can they provide your regular readers with great content in your absence, they can also let their audience know about their guest post…bringing fresh traffic to your site.

Get affiliates activated: Keep things going by getting affiliates to take action. Consider running a sales contest or another promotion. Just make sure that you have someone handling any questions they may have and providing the support they need.

Search engine optimization (SEO): While search engine optimization can take time, it is a tremendous source of ongoing free traffic. Put SEO techniques into place and you’ll bring new visitors to your website every single day.

Pay-per-click advertising: A more sure thing than SEO (but more expensive), pay-per-click advertising can generate a nice steady stream of traffic as well. Just make sure to set a budget to your campaign, so you don’t go over your budget while you’re gone. It’s also a good idea to check in on your campaign every few days, just to make sure everything is on track.

Google Adwords

Purchase newsletter ads: Find some on target newsletter publications and purchase a couple of ads each week while you’re away. Most publishers will allow you to choose when your ad will run, as long as spaces are available. That will bring you a steady stream of traffic, even though you’re nowhere near your computer.

Clearly, keeping the traffic going takes some work and preparation, but when you take the time to do it in advance, you can keep that traffic and business flowing steadily, no matter where you are.